One simple form of multimedia that can help add fun and flavor to
a page is sound. Adding sounds or music to a site is not hard, and
if done correctly, will enhance your visitors' experience without
bogging them down. Just remember, no one likes a long load time,
so smaller files are still best.
Here is the source code for an embedded sound file:
<Embed Src="file.ext" Autostart="false" Loop="false"
Width="145" Height="55"></Embed>
Now of course you will change the name of the file that we have
displayed from file.ext to the actual name of the file that you want
to embed. Typically, you will be using either .wav or .mid files.
If you set Autostart to "false" the user will need to press the play
button on the console that will appear on your page. This is good
idea if you don't need the file to play, or if you want to give the
user a choice to listen to it or not. If you set it to "true" it will
start by itself when the page file has finished loading.
The Loop attribute is set "true" or "false" depending on whether
you want the file to keep playing when it is done or not. The Width
and Height tags are used to set the display dimensions of the
actual console that plays the music.
Experiment with this code to find the best way to add sound to
your site.