rom traditional to surreal. All are interesting.
My name is Ronya shvachka. Was born in Ukraine in 1948. After university graduation worked as engeneer. Since 1991 in Israel. In 2000 first time sat in front of a computer and since then digital art, artdesign and webdesign have occupied a prominent place in my life. Have no artistic background. Among various aproaches and styles identify strongly with surrealism and symbolism. Few words on methodology of my creative process- Emotional state induced by mysterious irratoinal happenings is the main background from which a visual form is being created. This virtual process is instrumental in perceiving the truth, found outside limits of v rationalist consciousness. This allows me to have a personal look on various occurances and aspects of being and to manifest it in graphic images. Color is for me not just a paint but a feeling. During the last years produced around 100 artworks, that appeared in 2 exhibitions in Israel and in Online Art-Now show. Some of them are in private collections. In spring 2006 7 collages were published in collection of 100 Contemporary Artists ( World of Art series), by the end of 2006 2 collages will be published in Illuminations - Expressions of the Personal Spiritual (Evolving Editions) in USA. Web-site ( www.derosh.com) design structure was noticed by an award from Bel Art Project, and it was recognized as one of popular of its kind on the net.