Singing Lessons

Articles For Singers - Master Absolute Pitch & Relative Pitch

Articles For Singers - Master Absolute Pitch & Relative Pitch

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Master Absolute Pitch And Relative Pitch In As Little As Six Weeks! TWO MONTH

Dear Musicians And Singers,

For centuries some of the world's greatest singers, composers and musicians have had a secret ability that not many others even knew about? And even more astonishing is the proven fact that every person has this exact same secret ability inside just waiting to be discovered!

This secret ability is pitch recognition, or more generally known as absolute pitch and relative pitch. These two skills have been the leading force behind most of the musical world�s biggest stars.

In classical times composers that possessed absolute pitch included: Mozart, Chopin, Beethoven, Bach, and others.

Many contemporary superstars of classical, rock, jazz, and pop music that have absolute pitch included: Leonard Bernstein, Jimi Hendrix, Yngwie Malmsteen, Barbra Streisand, Mariah Carey, Julie Andrews, Eric Johnson, Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, Andre Previn, Miles Davis, Frank Sinatra, Glenn Gould, Tommy Mars, Ella Fitzgerald, Jascha Heifetz, Nat King Cole, Paul Shaffer, Yanni, Bela Bartok, Yo-Yo Ma, and many others.

Trained musicians and singers all agree that an absolute sense of pitch is their most important asset. Possessing a absolute sense of pitch is rated even higher than other things like creativity, accurate memory, technical facility, and good rhythm.

Below are a variety of quotes acknowledging a few of the leading musical performers' absolute pitch abilities.

Jimi Hendrix

"Even though I never learned how to read sheet music, early on
in my career as a sideman I had the ability to learn a new band's complete repertoire in about one or two hours just by listening to the songs once." The ability to do this would be beyond someone that doesn�t possess absolute pitch.

Miles Davis

"Miles Davis talks about his years at Julliard and remembers how he and his buddy used to call out the name of the note as soon as they heard it."

Mariah Carey

"Luckily, Mariah Carey discovered her skill for singing and had a inherent ability for it. Possessing absolute pitch Mariah could sing back note for note what she heard at the young age of


"The interviewer started to play notes at random on the keyboards and he, without any pause, precisely named every not that was played."

Master Absolute Pitch & Relative Pitch

If you are wondering what absolute pitch is, it is the capability to hear a musical chord or note and name it.

To this day there are a number of universities all over the world that falsely teach students that absolute pitch is something that can't be learned. They teach that you're either born with it or not. I can't help but chuckle at all this rubbish. I know that this is simply not true considering I learned this ability in my early teens. I wasn�t born knowing what a C note sounded like. I wasn�t born with an understanding of music. No one is born with the ability to understand music. It is a skill that can be taught and learned, just like language. It wasn�t until I was sixteen that I learned this skill, so for me that is very strong evidence that anyone can be taught absolute pitch.

I hope to see the day when universities will wake up to the truth that absolute pitch is an ability that can be learned, just like art and language. Up till then there will always be those that just don't try to grasp it. Instead these people simply dismiss it, believing that if you don�t have this ability then you were born with a genetic flaw.

Absolute pitch can be taught to anybody in spite of his or her genetics or age. I have used my method of teaching absolute pitch to all types of musicians some of whom are in there fifties and sixties! It is merely a skill that can be taught to anybody just like any other skill. There is no such thing as natural born musicians or singers; there are only students.


Relative pitch is typically taught in all universities, so at the very least they got that right! Relative pitch is the ability to hear and understand the relationship between two different notes, or a musical interval.


Over the years I have talked to hundreds of musicians about absolute pitch and relative pitch. A lot of these musicians had tried to learn absolute pitch using a variety of different courses that are available, but the majority of these musicians did not see any improvement. When it came to relative pitch, it appeared that many more musicians were able to develop this skill by simply learning their instrument, but only after many years of practice.

So I decided to do some research on all the different courses that taught absolute pitch and I realized that there approach to teaching was very abstract. They all seemed very confusing and unclear. I could see why a lot of musicians were failing to master absolute pitch. Remember that by this time I had already mastered absolute pitch, and the courses I researched taught in such a way that was really very counter-intuitive. These courses were totally unlike the methods I had used to mastered perfect pitch.

At that point I knew that the system that I had created to master both absolute pitch and relative pitch would be so much easier and faster for musicians to master then the more cumbersome courses that are available.

If you've tried to master absolute pitch in the past using other methods, then the Pure Pitch Method will make much more logical sense to you. That's because my method takes a very logical approach, and is unlike any other method out there. My method works fast and doesn�t take years to master, in fact you will see positive results after your very first lesson.


The Pure Pitch Method of learning has every thing to do with building momentum. Nobody wants to be taught a skill without seeing any growth? How would you know if in fact you're really learning anything? This is the major problem with other absolute pitch courses, they have a tendency to teach that after six to seven months of constantly going over listening exercises that some day you'll just wake up and possess absolute pitch! Learning should be a steady
progression; while you see and hear continuous growth just like any other learned skill.

If you look at other courses you will notice that they don�t teach you both relative and absolute pitch at the same time. You will have an exceptionally
difficult time mastering absolute pitch with no prior relative pitch training! This is because a person who has an understanding of relative pitch
is already somewhat familiar with musical tones. This makes mastering absolute pitch so much simpler! That does not mean it's not possible to master
absolute pitch by its self, it will just take you much longer!


Pure Pitch takes an innovative approach to training your ear. It works by making use of ONLY thirty-nine powerful daily exercises that teach you both RELATIVE and ABSOLUTE PITCH simultaneously, and won�t cost you a SMALL FORTUNE. And by utilizing a revolutionary new method called audiation you will begin hearing notes in your mind and begin to connect the notes to names.

These powerful exercises work by building up the inner ear. You will actually be learning how to visualize notes in your mind. Believe me, it sounds more difficult then it really is. My method of teaching is so easy that within the very first lesson a lot of students have already firmly embedded their prime anchor note in their mind and can start to name a number of musical notes just by listening to them.

The real power of my method is how fast you can start to put these new pitch recognition skills to use, after all who wants to waste months or even years learning from some other pitch recognition courses and fail to see any results? With the Pure Pitch Method you will see results the first day!

The Pure Pitch Method of learning is so efficient that you will begin naming any note by ear with your very first lesson! This is never been heard of up until now, no other absolute pitch course has ever been created that can make the same claim, and it is the very reason why my Pure Pitch Method is viewed by many musicians and singers as the very best course in the world. It is the easiest and fastest method to learning absolute pitch offered anywhere!

My Pure Pitch Method course comes with thirty-nine daily lessons, which include exercises that are intended to build up the inner ear and allow you to master the skill of absolute pitch and relative pitch effortlessly! You will not only learn how to recognize any note by it�s name, but also any interval, or common chord!

Another thing that makes this course so great is the fact that you do not need to know any music theory or even how to read music. Everything you need to know is explained in the course!


Once you begin using my Pure Pitch Method you�ll see an entire world of new musical possibilities open up to you, and not only that but you�ll be seen by other people as exceptionally gifted. Below is a list of just a few of the remarkable things awaiting you once you develop this skill.

Play Or Sing All Of Your Favorite Songs By Ear!
Learn The Name Of Any Chord Or Note By EAR!
Sing Any Note Using Your Memory Instead Of A Pitch Pipe! 
Find Any Chord By Ear, Instead Of Searching With Your Fingers Or Eyes!
Learn What Key Any Song Is In By EAR!
Compose Melodies And Songs In Your Head Effortlessly!
Increase Your Understanding And Enjoyment Of Music!
Identify Whether A Pitch Is Flat Or Sharp By Ear!
Improvise With Confidence Like A Pro!

The bottom line is that when it comes to music your success and enjoyment ultimately depend on you ability to hear.


I want you to feel completely confident when you are making this life altering choice to purchase my course, because I know for a fact that if you will follow through with my Pure Pitch Method you�ll master absolute pitch and relative pitch in a very short time. With that in mind I am offering you an astonishing TWO-MONTH NO QUESTIONS ASKED 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!

If after you purchase my course you feel that you didn�t receive any benefits from the techniques that are taught in my Pure Pitch course, all you need to do is send me an email asking for a 100% refund! I will quickly refund your money with no questions asked!

A lot of people have asked me why I offer such an astonishing guarantee, its quite simple. I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the techniques you are going to learn will totally change the way you are going to hear music forever, that I have no fear at all when it comes to people asking for their money back.


The Internet now allows sellers to sell their merchandise to consumers by direct downloads. This recent advancement in product distribution has cut the price of manufacturing and shipping, while the saving is passed onto you the customer.

Therefore, once your purchase is made and your payment is processed you will then be allowed to download the full Pure Pitch course instantly! You no longer have to wait a week or two for it to turn up in the mail. You can start taking you first lesson right away!

Order now and take advantage of this incredible offer!
Two Month 100 % Money Back Guarantee!!!

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