Singing Lessons

Learn How to Sing Harmony

$1,250 in Valuable Vocal Training, Teaching And Advice



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Learn How to Sing Harmony?

Available Now Mastering Harmony:

Mastering Harmony will teach the three principles of mastering harmony, acclimating your ear, coordinating your voice, and informing your mind.

Mastering Harmony features contemporary masters, including ten-time Grammy winning member of the vocal ensemble Take 6, the one and only Claude McKnight as well as Brett Manning. Mastering Harmony comes complete with a Master Class DVD, and 4 CDs that will show you everything you need to master harmony. How to hear it, find it, and most importantly how to sing it! This course consists of over $1,250 in priceless teaching material, vocal training, and instruction from many instructors, mastersingers, and experts including TV celebrities, Street Corner Symphony.

Mastering Harmony - Additional Details:

Singing is meant to stir up feelings and emotions, by adding harmony you are adding an extra dynamic to your singing by generating layers of sound that take the listener on an moving journey. Your singing voice is merely an additional instrument in a musical arrangement. With the Mastering Harmony course you will learn that singing harmony can be even easier than singing the melody.

Watch the video to find out more about what exactly you get when you invest in Mastering Harmony, this is truly a groundbreaking vocal training course!

Celebrity vocal coach Brett Manning, and Claude McKnight of the vocal ensemble Take 6, will demonstrate to you that you' have been hearing harmony during your whole life, thus you have already learned it. You simply need to learn how to gain access to that area of your brain that will translate it to your singing voice. This logical method of learning harmony will make it as simple as singing a melody.

Mastering Harmony comes complete with a Master Class DVD, and 4 CDs that will positively teach you how to blend your singing voice with any other singer in such a way that it will gives your listeners goose bumps immediately. The 4 CDs include priceless information that answers a lot of common questions concerning harmony in addition to numerous new and exciting exercises and techniques that Claude McKnight himself has been using for a number of years and that Brett Manning uses to teach his students.

This DVD with both Brett and Claude, and exclusive guests Street Corner Symphony (Music TV Stars), and singing coach Shelby Rollins along with singer/songwriter Juleah Scott makes this DVD a true master class. Watch these masters teaching students in an intimate setting having a good time while discussing useful information pertaining to singing harmony. Included is an exceptional bonus, Street Corner Symphony sings one of their original songs "Shooting Star".

Features Include:

1. Four CDs and a one master class DVD that contains numerous techniques, fun exercises, and secrets.
2. You will learn harmony secrets from 10 Time Grammy winner Claude McKnight from the vocal group, Take 6. 
3. You will begin learning the easy procedure of singing harmony: hear it, find it, and sing it!�
4. Exclusive DVD bonus featuring TV celebrities and a capella group: Street Corner Symphony.
5. Learn how to sing harmony as easily as singing the melody.
6.No questions asked - six month money back guarantee.

Need Assistance? Call (888) 269-7758 or (615) 866-1030 - OR - CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO

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