Speed Up Your Trills
I'm working on my R&B/Gospel styling, but my trills are slow and sloppy. Is there any thing I can do to speed up my trills?
A: The first thing we need to do is understand what trills are (also called licks, runs and turns). A trill is a scale sung dynamically with crisp delineation, fast vibrato and a clean attack or onset. In other words, going from one note to another without slurring or sliding, because slurring notes together gives the impression of poor vocal control. On the other hand, you don't want to add an 'H' sound, a staccato or glottal stroke (clucking noise) to your vocal line to achieve separation between notes. This will create an artificial and artistically unpleasant sound. So how is note delineation organically achieved? First, start on an F below middle C for the men or F above middle C for the women. Now sing up to a G and then back down. Learn to go back and forth as rapidly as possible without sliding or losing note distinction until you feel a 'bounce' between notes. Use a metronome and start at sixty beats per minute and speed up one or two bpm at a time while singing eighth notes. Speed up only as fast as you can while remaining clean in your note delineation. If you can get to 200
bpm, then you're up to speed with Mariah Carey and Brian McKnight. Now you just have to learn to put together longer patterns of notes within the scales used for the style you are singing in. These scales are cataloged in the
Singing Success
Program. It's important to understand that learning is incremental with this. If you only speed up one beat a day, which is so gradual that it can hardly be felt, then in less than four months, you can be at 200

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