Warming Up Your Voice
Q:How do I get my voice to warm up quickly?
A:Warm-up time varies from singer to singer and depends on four factors:
1. The thickness and length of the vocal cords
2. The health of the singer, i.e. allergies,
physical condition, dietary
and exercise
habits, sleep and stress levels.
3. Veisel dilation - how fast the vasculature
expands to receive
blood flow.
4. Warm-up habits.
If you have thick cords, you have a stronger, fuller sounding voice (James Ingram/Elvis Presley). Thinner cords will producer a lighter, thinner tone (Michael Jackson/Paul McCartney). Think of the voice as a train. The bigger the train, the longer it takes to get moving. Keep this in mind while warming up. Warming up should be incremental and never forced. Find your vocal co-ordinations through the right exercises and then slowly build volume, speed and range. Too high, too loud, too soon is a recipe for disaster. Unfortunately, most singers don't know the recipe for vocal health and longevity. This is why so many singers lose their voices. I work with hundreds of singers every year who have never properly warmed up their voices.
Veisal dilation is another important factor in warming up. Without adequate blood flow to the musculature, the cords have great difficulty warming up. Things that affect veisal dilation are fatigue, poor circulation and lack of exercise. Sometimes these are simply genetic and you deal with it by being diligent and patient with your vocal study and your warm-up time. Other times it's just laziness, lack of discipline or a bad diet. Allergies can also affect your warm-up time because circulation and health are inhibited. Seek either a medical or natural (diet, herbs and vitamins) route to dealing with your allergies. I have found great relief taking 'Prime Again' and
'Conco' to nourish my body in a way that deals with these weaknesses. Both are available in our vocal health store.
The Pro Singer�s Warm-up

This program will teach you how to warm up your singing voice before any
performance, or you can simply use it as a good warm up before your daily
The Pro Singer�s Warm up is a perfect companion to the Singing
Success Program.